Sunday, April 1, 2012

Horrible Managers

Have you ever had to work for that one manager that you just knew had to be the worst manager ever. Well, I really believe that I had to work for the worst one ever. This guy was so mean to everyone. He was always cussing his employees and saying really mean remarks. The real problem with it was that he could definitely dish it out but he could never take it. He actually used to tell some of the female employees that they were too fat and that noone would ever want to date them. Or on a scale he would rate them a negative ten. Well, it started to come back and bite him in the butt. He was having alot of complaints on him. Then he actually had the nerve to be mad. He said that we were all "throwing him under the bus." So, he finally put in his notice because he said that we didn't treat him right. Yeah, what a load of crap. Well, on his last day I went to ask him if he would cut the section that I was in because we were dead. His reply was, "Why don't you just shut your f****** mouth, forever. I was deadly calm when I looked back at him and replied, "you know what, you better hope that when you clock out for the last time and go to your car that I am not in the parking lot. Because if I see you, I swear to you right now that I will punch you in your freaking mouth." See, if you worked with me you would know that this isn't normal for me because I am always the nice person that gets along with everyone When I say things like this, I am dead serious and I mean every word of it. After I said this to him, he just looked at me and turned around and walked away. Everyone around us were just froze with shock because I said that to him. It felt so freaking good.

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