Sunday, February 19, 2012


This past Saturday, I got sat with a party of six. It was everybody's first time to eat with us. I'm starting to explain the first time guest story when all of a sudden a hughe roach starts crawling across the table. Three of the ladies jumped out of their seats and screamed "bug!" My manager starts to walk by and I tell him that there was a bug at the table. He then pulls me to the kitchen and starts to yell at me because he said that I said the word bug to loud. He said it wasn't that big of a deal. Im thinking, "ok, one, it is their first time to eat with us and they had a bug crawl across their table, and two, three of the ladies jumped out of their seats screaming bug. I'm pretty sure that everyone around them already knew about it." Then, he tells them that he will give them an appetizer for free. So they get the most expensive one. He then, gets mad because they got the most expensive one. What an asshole.

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