Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chopped Steak?

So, this group of guys came in and sat at my table. I asked what they wanted to drink and one guy said he wanted a bud light. He looked pretty young so I asked for his ID. He handed me his idea and it said he was born in 1994. I was like "dude, this says you were born in 1994." He says, "yeah, so what?" I reply "well, that would make you 18." He says, "damn, it was worth a try." I'm thinking damn, this dude is either really stupid or has some balls. Well, later on I found out he was just really stupid. We sell an item called Roadkill. It is a hamburger steak that has other things on it. In the description it says that it is a chopped, hamburger steak. So, the guy orders and says, " I want the roadkill. It's chopped steak right? Well, I don't want it chopped up, can I get it whole? I don't like my steak already chopped up." It took all I had not to laugh in his face.

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